Skylar Falter - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Skylar Falter

Hi there, I’m Skylar! I’m a mother, home herbalist, and farmer living on the prairie in southeast Nebraska. I work as a Postpartum Doula and Certified Innate Postpartum Care Provider offering holistic mother care to women for the first year after birth.

Like many, my journey began with the birth of my first child. I left the hospital with a body that felt broken after a long birth with interventions that ended with the use of forceps. I had no resources to support my healing body and experienced rage like no other during those first tender weeks.

This experience ignited a passion and I started Deep Roots Doula Care to fill the gap in support mothers’ experience after giving birth. I offer gentle & intimate in-home care for the first six weeks after birth focusing on the healing power of food as medicine.

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
