Sarah Nicholson - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Sarah Nicholson

I am a Mother, Wife, Sister, Friend.  As a lifelong student of the human condition and an eternal seeker of Truth, I am dedicated to the ever unfolding and expansion of my Being.  I hold deep reverence and gratitude for the body’s innate intelligence, not only for its capacity for healing, but also as a portal for the remembering of who we truly are and the inherent magic we possess.  As an avid participant in the shifting of current collective paradigms, I am deeply committed to the co-creation of community that is in alignment with Life.  I offer safe space for women, wherever they may be on their postpartum journey, in order to allow for an opportunity for connection, deep witnessing, accurate reflection and nurturance.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada