Sarah Martin - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Sarah Martin

Sarah is a Postpartum Care Provider Jin Shin Jyutsu Practicioner who specializes in maternal health, cyclical embodiment and traditional care. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese dynamic art of working with the energetic systems of the body-mind-spirit to unlock stagnant energy through acupressure points, gently alleviating dis-ease and trauma from the body and ignite our innate abilities of self-regeration. Sarah is passionate about working with women are looking to move in fuller harmony with their cyclical nature and alleviate their symptoms of hormonal imbalance through a truly holistic approach of nutritional guidance, herbalism, Jin Shin Jyutsu energetic healing, and lifestyle adjustments. Sarah also offers postpartum in-home support to mothers in Bend, OR with an emphasis on traditional and holistic care. Sarah is passionate about working closely with the guidance and teachings of Mother Earth as the foundation of her offering.

Bend, Oregon, United States