Romy Finbow - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Romy Finbow

As a holistic birthkeeper, I regard pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time as not only physiologic events but also a psychological, social, cultural and spiritual pilgrimage. As the most primal expression of creation and transformation, I believe that they summon exquisite care, autonomy and witnessing.

Since completing full-spectrum doula trainings with Michel Odent, Robin Lim and Debra Pascali-Bonoro in 2017, and an apprenticeship with Ayurvedic practitioners, my interests in yoga + micromovements, nutrition, and the topic of pleasure have led me to deepen my knowledge around why and how mothers need to be held by their communities as they move through the veil, into the postpartum time.

Today, it is my intention to guide women towards remembering their personal authority and the truth that their bodies hold the blueprint for motherhood. I step into the role of female caregivers before me – a witness, creating a safe, nurturing, and honest space for women and their families.

, London, United Kingdom

+44 7769695167