Nicole Love Schiller - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Nicole Love Schiller

Hello! I am Nicole Love Schiller, and my INNATE Postpartum Care services include 20 years experience as Licensed Registered Nurse (RN), Energetic Healer, studies in Lay Midwifery, and Integrated Womb Care. I weave Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Feather Tapping (a Shamanic modality), Meditation, and Clairvoyant Healing in with Nutrition, Uterine Warming (with Moxibustion Therapy and Yoni Steaming), Rebozo Therapy, and Body Awareness Exercises. I hold a deeply nurturing environment for Mothers to receive wellness, centering, and support. All of this empowers Mothers to release present pain and ancestral wounding/trauma. Mothers have the gift of holding themselves and family sacred, leading to sacred communities, and a sacred world. Thank you Mothers!

Humboldt County, California, United States
