Monica Benedetto - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Monica Benedetto

I have a history of various chronic pain challenges that has shaped and inspired me to become a massage therapist, personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, movement therapist, innate postpartum care provider and a consultant for women preconception and beyond. In the beginning of my journey to Motherhood, I quickly determined there is a lack of wisdom instilled in our culture regarding how to prepare the body to carry a baby, birth naturally, and to feel nourished and supported postpartum.
We were created to make and raise children but our culture has forgotten how. Many have lost touch with different aspects of the process but they lay dormant within each of us. I am here to enliven, empower and awaken you to your own innate wisdom. To be, feel, and trust the power within you, to connect to the Mother, heal our Ancestry and thrive as a culture.

I have a history of various chronic pain challenges that has shaped and inspired me to become a massage therapist, personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, movement therapist, innate postpartum care provider and a consultant for women preconception and beyond. In the beginning of my journey to Motherhood, I quickly determined there is a lack of wisdom instilled in our culture regarding how to prepare the body to carry a baby, birth naturally, and to feel nourished and supported postpartum.
We were created to make and raise children but our culture has forgotten how. Many have lost touch with different aspects of the process but they lay dormant within each of us. I am here to enliven, empower and awaken you to your own innate wisdom. To be, feel, and trust the power within you, to connect to the Mother, heal our Ancestry and thrive as a culture.

Durango, Colorado, United States