Kaeli Sutton - INNATE Postpartum Care - Certified Practitioner

INNATE Postpartum Care
Practitioners Directory

Mother-centered postpartum care for family wellness

Kaeli Sutton

Kaeli Sutton has been working with expecting, birthing and new families for the past 17 years through massage therapy, embodied movement/yoga, birth + parenting education and doula support. She has additionally worked in grassroots organizing for change within maternity care systems, as well as work within the systems themselves to increase physiologic and family centered care. Kaeli recognizes pregnancy, birth and early postpartum as a profound rite of passage with long-term impact on the mother, baby and family’s lives. She seeks to offer mentorship and support that fosters a family’s alignment with their physical, emotional and relational health, within the family and beyond.

Providence, Rhode Island, United States